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Dear WHL Members and Colleagues,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change the dates of  the WHL 6th World Hypertension Congress (WHC2025). The new dates are March 7-9, 2025. Details of the Congress are available on the WHL website and the Congress website.  Other than the date change, everything remains the same. 

Our expectation is that we will have an outstanding, world-class Congress which will focus especially on WHL mission areas: BP diagnosis/control and BP-related population health in middle- and low-income countries. The main program includes presentations and State of the Art talks by more than 30 of the world’s leading experts. In addition, the Program includes a three-day Scientific Writing Workshop, Abstract sessions, and an Awards session. The WHC2025 will be a landmark meeting that you should not miss!

Please note that the Abstract Deadline is September 30th, and you can submit your abstract via this link.

Thank you in advance for disseminating this information to your colleagues.

World Hypertension League Congress Planning Committee

   Vice President  , World Hypertension League , 

   Chair , Indian Organizing Committee , World Hypertension Congress 2025   .  

Salt Sight Invite Letter

Dear WHL Exec and Board,
Please see attached World Hypertension Day press release, which will be posted on the WHL website and sent to our members and colleagues shortly. Included are links to the Excellence Award Winners announcement, the Children's Art Program contributions, the WHC2025 website, the WHL newsletter, and our list of Hypertension Resources.

Wishing you all the best on World Hypertension Day 2024!


Dear Colleague,
It gives me great pleasure in inviting you to become a member of the Losalter group , an initiative of Sapiens Health foundation.
The purpose of this Losalter group is to disseminate information on salt consumption and health .
I am sure you are aware that hypertension and its related complications is the number one cause of death in the world.
WHO has warned and emphasised the need to act by reducing the salt consumption and thereby reduce deaths from non communicable diseases.
I request you to enrol as a member of Losalter group by logging into the website.
Apart from information available in the website , we have planned to conduct a workshop with physical presence and through online. These workshops would be conducted by leading physicians leading to certification . The workshops will be conducted in Chennai, Mumbai & New Delhi to reach out the message on losalt to doctors across the country.
Please write to us for any queries/ clarification in this regard.
Looking forward to your participation

Warm regards
Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,
Respected Society Members,

Season's Greetings!

Indian Society of Hypertension (InSH) is pleased to invite you to contribute as author/ reviewer in "Hypertension Journal".

Furthermore, introducing recent studies published in the Journal as below:
Warm Regards,

on behalf of Indian Society of Hypertension (InSH)
9VOM Publishing
Team 9VOM

Happy New Year 2024

Dear Friends ,
Greetings from "Indian Society of Hypertension" !!
Wishing you all a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2024 .

ISH 2024 Scientific Meeting. Request from the ISH President

Dear Dr.Bryan Williams , 
          ISH President , 

    Thanks for the mail . Advance Congratulations for ISH Meeting at Colombia . As per your request and with our own enthusiasm about this meeting of ISH , I am uploading the meeting details in our Official website of  Indian Society of Hypertension . Wishing you and your organisation a great success . Please see  

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,


To the leadership of Indian Society of Hypertension

Dear Professors Narasingan, Verma and colleagues, 

I hope this email finds you well.   

The next ISH meeting is scheduled for 19-22 September 2024 in Cartagena, Colombia. The ISH Council is working hard with the Local Organising Committee to set up a great scientific meeting in an exceptional place. We believe this is going to be a very memorable meeting for all those who will attend. 
We are asking for your help in promoting this important and exciting event.   

I would be very grateful if you could reach out to your regional and national networks and contacts and encourage your colleagues and collaborators to submit their abstracts via the Cartagena meeting website (deadline: 30th April 2024). 

We would also be extremely grateful if you could promote the ISH 2024 meeting on your society website and in your member communication. Please find attached meeting graphics for your use.  

In return, we are always delighted to receive information on your society events and activities for the ISH to promote via our website and monthly e-Bulletin, as well as keeping us updated on any changes to the leadership in your organisation.  
I hope that I will see you in person in the beautiful and historic city of Cartagena next year. I am confident it is going to be a scientifically stimulating and a memorable event.  
Your kind support is very much appreciated.   

With best wishes,  

Bryan Williams 
ISH President

ESH 2023 Hypertension Guidelines Editorial Mine

Dr. Narsingh Verma
MBBS, MD, FRCP (London), FRCP (Edinburgh) FACP (USA), FIACM, FICN, FAMS, FIMSA FRSSDI Fellow of Diabetes India
Professor and Head Department of Physiology
Officiating Head Department of Family Medicine
King George's Medical University Lucknow 226003
Former Dean Student Welfare
Former Head Department of Transfusion Medicine
Former Superintendent GM & Associated Hospitals KGMU Lucknow
Treasurer Indian Society of Hypertension
Secretary General Indian Society of Chronomedicine
President Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension
Immediate Past President Association of Physiologists of India
Chairman UP Chapter of International Medical Science Academy
Immediate Past President Uttar Pradesh Diabetes Association
President International Society for Medicinal Food and Nutrition
Secretary ACP India Chapter
Treasurer UP Chapter of RSSDI
Treasurer UP Chapter of APPI
Organizing Secretary BPCON 2013
Organizing Secretary WCC-ICP 2016
Regional Faculty for NDEP, CCEBDM, ACMDC and CCGDM
Organizing Secretary and Coordinator First International Summer school of Hypertension 2016
Member regional scientific advisory committee of Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension
Governing Body member Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension
Vice Chairman Organizing Committee of DIPSI 2017
Organizing Chairman National Conference of ACP 2018
Organizing Secretary ASSOPICON 2017
Organizing Secretary World Congress of Chronomedicine 2018
Organizing Secretary BPCON 2020
Organizing Chairman WCC 2020
Executive Chairman APCH 2021
Scientific Chairman WCC 2020
Scientific Chairman IMACP 2022
Scientific Chairman BPCON 2022
Organizing Chairman ASSOPICON 2023
Editorial Board Member Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Editor Hypertension
Email, 09839064560 / 09415448013
Res 13/231 Indira Nagar, Lucknow 226016

Public Interactive Program on Hypertension

Asia Book of Records Certificate

India Book of Records Certificate

World Hypertension League

About Mega Awareness Programme in Newspaper and Magazines

Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from World Hypertension League.
I am herewith sending Registration details for Virtual Meeting of ESH 2023 to be held at Milan ,Italy.
I request you to register in large numbers under low middle income countries which comes to 85.4 Pounds
including VAT for 4 days session . I am sure , you will like the entire program on Hypertension related issues
An added attraction is that you would be witnessing 2023 Guidelines for Hypertension from ESH.

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,

Dear Prof. Narasingan,

it was a great pleasure to e-meet you during the WHL call. I do hope we will find the best way to work together for the success of the 2025 meeting in India.

I am now writing you to ask your help for the forthcoming ESH 2023 meeting, that will take place in Milan on June 23-26, 2023. As you know this year the new ESH Guidelines will be released: this is an exceptional appointment for the update of scientific experts in the field of hypertension and related diseases.

Last year we had at the end approx. 500 Indian participants (all virtual) and do hope we may repeat this successful and fruitful experience. May I therefore kindly ask your help in spreading out this information (see newsletter under below attached), helping us to collect a large number of local registrations? Kindly note that a special fee for individuals coming from low- and middle-income countries has been introduced. Please check the congress website: Based on the current registration fee, individual participants will be charged 70€ each to enjoy 4 days of full immersion and virtual interaction with the most prominent KOL's.

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me, I will be more than happy to help you!

Kindest regards


Dear WHL Exec,

Please see attached updated draft World Hypertension Day press release. The links to the Excellence Award Winners announcement and Children's Art Submissions powerpoint will be included once those are posted on the website as we get closer to WHD.

Any comments are welcome, especially regarding the resource links -- thanks!


Dear WHL Board, Regional Directors and Special Advisors,

Please see attached the March issue of the WHL newsletter, where we showcase two Hot Off the Presses articles:  
   Community Healthcare Team-based Treatment of Hypertension
   Special JHH Issue dedicated to the accuracy of automated BP measuring devices

Additionally in this issue, we announce the kick-off of the new WHL website, share the latest Sodium Reduction news, and highlight a Journal of Human Hypertension piece on the role of temperature and weather patterns on hypertension and cardiovascular mortality.

We have initiated a new section “Hypertension on the Ground” to showcase practical efforts toward hypertension detection, prevention, management and control, and there is lots of exciting news from our members and partners.

We hope you enjoy this issue and forward it to your friends and colleagues. 

Mary L. Trifault
Associate Editor, WHL Newsletter
Toward the Prevention and Control of Hypertension Globally

Dear WHL Member Societies,

The deadline for submission of Excellence Award candidates has been extended to March 24, 2023.  

Please see the list of named awards below, and the submission form attached and at this link.  A list of Award Descriptions and past named Award Winners is also attached for your reference. 

All submissions will be reviewed by the WHL Excellence Awards Committee and winners will be announced on World Hypertension Day, May 17, 2023. Please note that current WHL Board members are ineligible for nomination.

Kind regards,

Mary L. Trifault
Senior WHL Administrator

2023 WHL Individual Named Excellence Awards
•   Detlev Ganten Excellence Award in Basic Research in Hypertension          
•   Peter Sleight Excellence Award in Hypertension Clinical Research Trials
•   Claude Lenfant Excellence Award in Population Hypertension Control Through Educational Activities and Guideline Implementation
•   Liu Lisheng Excellence Award in Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control in Low- and Middle-income Populations.
•   Norman Campbell Excellence Award in Population Hypertension Prevention
•   Daniel Lackland Excellence Award in Collaboration and Advocacy for Population Hypertension Risk Reduction
2023 WHL Organization/Intervention Excellence Award
•   Organizational Excellence Award in Global Hypertension Control

Dear WHL Members and Colleagues,
Thank you all for making last year's WHD a great success! This year's theme "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer" focuses on combating low awareness rates worldwide, and promoting accurate blood pressure measurement methods and devices. Increasing hypertension awareness and early control has become even more crucial as cardiovascular disease continues to be a huge health care burden globally. 
You can help this year's WHD campaign by sharing hypertension information and resources on social media, promoting individual BP screenings and providing educational literature, and engaging with local and regional media. 
Attached for your use is our Save the Date logo, and a link to last year's WHD outreach activities here. 
Thank you for helping us celebrate WHD2023!
Mary L. Trifault
Senior WHL Administrator
Toward the Prevention and Control of Hypertension Globally

Dear Friends , 

Greetings from Lipid Association of India  

LAI Questionnaire to study the trends in the management of dyslipidemia in India 
My sincere thanks go out to you for your participation in Part 1 of the LAI online survey. Data is being compiled for its publication. In just two months, we received 933 responses. We were surprised by the results of part 1. Part 2 of the online survey is now available. There are 25 questions in this survey, and I would like to request you spare 15 minutes for it. It is through this questionnaire that LAI aims to collect some information on how Indian doctors treat dyslipidemia in ACS, ASCVD, HT, and Diabetes, which is often cited as unavailable in India. I would appreciate it if you shared it with your colleagues. Here is a link for your reference.

Please use code  : SNN-1

Dear Dr. S N Narasingan and Indian Society of Hypertension,

We want to thank you for your contribution to the ISH2022 Kyoto meeting.

Now, we would like to announce that ISH2022 Kyoto Early Bird deadline will be closed on 31st August 2022, 23:59JST.

As announced, the Congress will be held in a hybrid format; you can join this important meeting either onsite or online.

So, I'm writing this email to ask for your kind cooperation in sending out the attached email about the Early Bird deadline to your society members to encourage their participation.

For more details, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of ISH2022 at

In addition, we are pleased to inform you the updating the information about entering Japan at

For VISA application, you can find the detailed information at

We look forward to seeing you all in Kyoto in October, hopefully face-to-face!

Best regards,

Kyoko Takayama
The Japanese Society of Hypertension
Nichinai Kaikan 2F
28-8, Hongo 3-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033
Tel. +81-3-6801-9786
Office URL:

Dear Dr.Kyoko Takayama ,

                 Thanks for your mail and kind invitation . I have a commitment during the same period of  Conference for another Hypertension Summit in India . My sincere apologies for not attending this  wonderful conference . However , Dr.Narsingh Verma , who is currently the Treasurer of Indian Society  of Hypertension will be attending Physically . I am uploading the details of the conference into our  website :    for the benefit of our members . 

Wish you all the best for a successful conference . 

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD.,      FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,
Vice Chairman -Lipid Association of India 
Board Member , World Hypertension League ,
Elected Fellow of International Society of Hypertension [ISHF] 
Immediate Past  President , Indian Society of Hypertension
Hony. Gen. Secretary, Association of Physicians of India ,Chennai Chapter 
Former Adjunct Professor,
The TamilNadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai
Managing Director,
SNN Specialties Clinic,
O# 6,N# 11,Sriram Nagar , North street ,
Alwarpet , Chennai - 18
Ph : 24323992 , 7200055918 
Mobile: +91-9789088692
e.mail :    

Dear WHL Members,

Please find the March issue of the World Hypertension League newsletter at this link. Highlights include the Hot-Off-The-Presses "International Call for Action" article regarding salt reduction guidelines, the Sodium Reduction section, our upcoming World Hypertension Day outreach, the 5th WHL Congress in Macau/Zhuhai China and a reminder of the Children's Art Contest deadline for submissions. The News from our Partners section highlights many exciting initiatives and there is a touching memorial tribute to Prof. Daniel Lemogoum, past WHL Board member.

We hope you enjoy this issue and will forward it to your friends and colleagues.

Mary L. Trifault
Associate Editor, WHL Newsletter

National President,Indian Society of Hypertension
Dear Friends,
   Kindly attend SATH - II program - Certificate Course in Hypertension today 29th January between 8.30 & 10.00 pm . Attached file contains all details including the link.
National President,Indian Society of Hypertension
Dear Friends,
   Here with find the attachments containing the program details for SATH -II [ Scientific Approach to Hypertension ]
Certificate course on Hypertension conducted under Indian Society of Hypertension. Please attend.

Dear Sir,
     On behalf of Dr.C.Venkata S Ram Sir, I am attaching the paper just published in the American Journal of Medical Sciences about the value of 24 hr ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) in clinical practice. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest studies performed on the role of ABPM in the community setting. The findings are an important contribution from India to the evolving field of blood pressure measurement technologies.
Thanking you.
Best wishes.
With regards,
Ms.N. Madhavi Latha
Asst Manager
Apollo Institute for Blood Pressure Management
Apollo Blood Pressure Clinics
Apollo Hospitals
Hyderabad, INDIA
6 December 2021
Introduction from the ISH Secretary
It is that time of year, when for many countries, the year is drawing to a close. It is often a time of reflection on the year that is about to pass and what the new year of 2022 will hold for us all. There is no doubt, that as in 2020, 2021 has continued to be a difficult year because of the pandemic and we face continued uncertainty at the moment with the emergence of another variant, omicron. This makes planning for the future somewhat challenging, especially with regard to scientific meetings and congresses, which we have all missed. Whilst we have used video platforms to stay in touch and hold scientific meetings, they are no substitute for the real thing. We have to admire the commitment of those leading the organisation of future conferences. Only this week, I saw the video produced by Hiroshi Itoh and his colleagues in Japan (see the link below). Hiroshi is leading the organisation of the ISH Scientific meeting in Kyoto next October. Have a look at the sheer commitment and enthusiasm of Hiroshi and colleagues in that video, it is inspiring, and I hope it will inspire all of you to start planning to attend the ISH 2022 Congress in the charming and wonderful city of Kyoto next October.

When reflecting on the past year, I think there have been a number of positive developments for the treatment of hypertension. The challenge of the pandemic has also brought opportunity. Many patients with hypertension have not been able to get to their doctor to have their blood pressure checked because of lockdowns. This has led to a marked increase in use of home blood pressure monitoring and I hope this is the beginning of a trend towards this being adopted more widely, because evidence suggests it does better engage patients in the management of their blood pressure. Of course, the cost of devices means that this isn't possible in all parts of the world but it should be and we should be pushing to ensure that very low cost and effective devices for blood pressure measurement become more widely available especially for low income countries. I am also encouraged by the number of new blood pressure drug treatments that are in development, deploying advances in biological therapies to deliver more consistent and long term blood pressure control, through a variety of innovative mechanisms. After a period when the Pharma industry seemed to have cooled its enthusiasm for new drug development for hypertension, green shoots on innovation are beginning to emerge and it is good to see.

Talking of green shoots, I am hugely encouraged by the remarkable enthusiasm I have seen for more information on hypertension in the many on-line conferences I have attended, or spoken at, across the world, as well as the number of younger people getting involved in hypertension. We must nurture this interest in hypertension in our young clinicians and scientists. There are so many competing opportunities in medicine and research for younger people today. It is important that we recognise that and inspire, enthuse and promote opportunities for younger people to develop their interest in hypertension. They are the leaders of the future. This is wonderfully captured in many aspects of the eBulletin below, with the ISH new investigator networks, the mentorship and training committee etc. examples of the ISH being pre-eminent in promoting career development of younger people.

Another poignant reflection for me this week occurred during an event our hospital held to remember our health care staff who died in service during the pandemic. I worked alongside many of them and it is human nature to only realise and value what a contribution they and all front line health care staff have made after they are no longer with us. It emphasised how important our colleagues and friends and families are. So, as we come to the end of another tumultuous year, take time to care for the people you care about, and who care about you, and spare a thought for those in troubled parts of the world. Season's greetings from all at ISH, wherever you are in the world and best wishes for a healthy and successful 2022.

Professor Bryan Williams, London, UK.

President's Blog

Check out the latest ISH President's Blog, written by Professor Maciej Tomaszewski, for up-to-date information straight from the ISH President.

ISH Website:

Society and Member Activities
Cafe ISH
Associate Professor Matthew Sparks (Duke University Medical Center, USA) discusses the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in COVID. Prof. Sparks presents results from major randomised controlled trials, dispelling myths and identifying remaining gaps in knowledge.

Hypertension News
The quarterly ISH publication will be produced in time for the end of year holidays. Be sure to look out for the publication on 14 December so that you have some holiday reading. View any 2021 newsletter issues that you have missed on the ISH website.

Spotlight on our International Society of Hypertension Fellows (ISHFs)
(ISHF) Gallery. (ISHFs) earlier this year. To view these members, check out our International Society of Hypertension Fellow FellowsSeveral very deserving individuals became the 1st ISH

One ISHF stands out as she is the only nurse (previously an ISH Health Professional Affiliate).Professor Lyne Cloutier, from University du Quebec Trois-Rivieres, Canada has contributed significantly to hypertension control in different ways.
Congratulations to all our fantastic 2021 International Society of Hypertension Fellows!

ISH Live report
The 2nd edition of ISH Live, held on the 17th of November, was truly an international event, with a total of 63 registrants from 31 different countries.
The diverse backgrounds and career experiences of the panel contributed to a rich session that was much more than a simple round table discussion. It consisted of open dialogue and the sharing of experiences and emotions regarding the challenges of the past two years, an exchange that brought solace to many and encouraged building resilience as a group. The recording and a full event report are available on the ISH website.

ISH Kyoto 2022 Meeting (12-16 October 2022)
We have started the countdown campaign to ISH2022. Please watch our welcome messages from Professors Hiroshi Itoh, Maciej Tomaszewski, Jiguang Wang and Enrico Agabiti-Rosei, which you will be able to find on the ISH2022 website. Please visit the ISH2022 website, or search for #ISH2022 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH2022) will be held from October 12 to 16 2022 at the Kyoto International Conference Center with the theme of "The Wisdom for Conquering Hypertension". We will hold the meeting onsite in a hybrid format that will provide online content. The local organising committee is intensively preparing for the meeting, hoping that hypertension researchers in the world will meet in person and share scientific progress in Kyoto.
Prof. Hiroshi Itoh
President of ISH2022

Bids for ISH 2026
The ISH is inviting bids for the Biennial Scientific Meeting in 2026. The ISH Biennial Meeting is the premier event for hypertension research that brings together the world leaders in cardiovascular and hypertension research. Please bring this to the attention of your national societies. The deadline for the bid is the 1st March 2022. For more information, please refer to the ISH website or contact Helen.

Mentorship and Training Committee
In the last month, the Mentorship and Training Committee (MTC) has had the honour to interview two leaders in hypertension:
Dr Tiny Masupe is a clinician-scientist, senior lecturer and assistant program director for the Master of Medicine in Public Health at the University of Botswana. She is a fellow alumnus of the AFYABORA Global Health Leadership fellowship, and she is the first recipient of the Neil Nathanson AfyaBora Global Health leadership award. Dr Masupe is the Botswanan lead for the May Measurement Month (MMM). You can listen to her interview.
Professor Neil Poulter is a Professor of Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine at Imperial College London. He is a past president of the British Hypertension Society and the ISH, and the chief investigator of MMM. You can listen to his interview.

You can also listen to the earlier podcasts on Apple Podcast. We hope you enjoy the interviews!
Reach out using this form if you would like help to find an international mentor. We also welcome new nominations of interviewees, both leaders and emerging leaders within the ISH.

New Investigator Committee (NIC)
The ISH, Argentine Society of Hypertension (SAHA) and Inter-American Society of Hypertension (IASH) held a 2nd International Summer School between 26 and 27 November 2021 at the Grand Hotel Potrerillos, Mendoza. This event was attended by 31 people (15 in person and 16 virtually) and we are delighted to report that Dr Jose Romano (see left, ISH member, Formosa, Argentina) was awarded a scholarship to attend. Our sincere thanks and congratulations to the course director, Dr Nicolais Renna (ISH New Investigator Committee), for all his hard work and efforts on behalf of the ISH.
Follow us on Twitter: @ISHBP #ISHNIC

Women in Hypertension Research Committee
The WiHRC has the great privilege to be involved in joint sessions around the globe including with the Chinese Society of Hypertension and the High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia (HBPRCA) scheduled for 10th December. Find out more in the latest WiHRC newsletter.

Spotlight Feature
Dr Ching Siew Mooi (Malaysia), is this month's WiHRC Spotlight feature. Dr. Siew Mooi is an ISH WiHRC Committee member, family physician, senior primary care consultant and academic involved in teaching postgraduate students and leading research projects in the field of hypertension. More details are on the ISH website.

Mentoring Meetings
The WiHRC organised 30-minute online mentoring meetings between young (mentee) and senior (mentor) scientists between 11th and 22nd October 2021. We wanted to stimulate scientific networking and provide a space to facilitate discussion not limited to science, where mentees would have an opportunity to talk freely about any concern/topic they wanted to address. In this first WiHRC mentoring event, we were very fortunate to have 10 exceptional mentors participating in this initiative, and 16 mentees were enrolled and paired with one or two mentors for the meetings, according to their interests. The feedback from the meetings was very positive, with reports of very open and productive discussions for example about work-family-balance, research during the pandemic and career planning. We also got feedback highlighting that the one-to-one mentoring meetings format was a very good opportunity to communicate with mentors from all over the world and establish a relationship with them. We hope to offer new sessions again soon, and hopefully gather more people to join us in this wonderful initiative.
Should you wish to join the WiHRC network you can register your interest.
@ISHBP #WiHypertenRes
Webpage: / Email:

Affiliate Events and Activities
ISH Americas Regional Advisory Group and the Argentinean Society of Hypertension
The ISH Americas Regional Advisory Group (RAG) and the Argentinean Society of Hypertension (SAHA) are co-organising a 2-year certified advanced course on hypertension for clinicians and researchers from Spanish-speaking countries. This course is aligned with the objectives of the ISH to promote education on hypertension and train future leaders in the Latin American region with highest standard of care on cardiovascular diseases. The course will be launched in April 2022 and include 16 modules with topics from physiopathology through to global guidelines treatment on hypertension. There is a significant discount in the registration costs for ISH members. View more information.

ISH Middle East and North Africa Regional Advisory Group Update 
7th Saudi International Hypertension Conference
The Saudi Hypertension Management Society (SHMS) organised a joint session in collaboration with the ISH Middle East and North Africa RAG (MENA RAG) at their meeting on 27 November.
Topics covered included Uric Acid in relation to Hypertension and Cardiovascular disease by Dr. Jafar Alsaid, the sympathetic system and hypertension by Dr. Abdulla Shehab and finally Hypertension in the COVID Era by Dr. Ghazi F. Haji. Dr. Tawfik Albassam chaired the session, and it was moderated by Dr. Rana El-Bikai. To add to this, the ISH President, Professor Maciej Tomaszewski, was delighted to speak at the SHMS meeting on 26 November.

Our thanks to SHMS, in particular Dr Tawfik Albassam and Dr Bader Almustafa, and MENA RAG members for giving their time to this initiative.

ISH Middle East and North Africa Regional Advisory Group Update 
4th Iraqi International Hypertension Conference
The 4th Iraqi Hypertension Conference took place from 4-5 November, Dr. Jafar Alsaid, chair of the MENA RAG represented the ISH and presented on the 2020 Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines.

Read more about these recent ISH MENA RAG activities.

World Hypertension League
Dr Xin-Hua Zhang, President of WHL, invites your participation in the 5th WHL World Hypertension Congress. Further information and news are available on their website.

The ICHCA and IPHA hosted their 7th joint online session on the 16th of November. Presentations on paediatric hypertension tracking, the growth of cardiovascular risk factors and the complexities around adolescent hypertension and the transition to adulthood, particularly in resource limited regions, were well received and followed by a great discussion, which included Joseph Flynn and Stella Stabouli. Delegates attended from 12 different countries. The ICHCA is planning a face-to-face meeting in Warsaw in 2022. Please watch this space for further details.

MMM 2021
MMM has now come to an end.
Congratulations and thank you to all those that were involved. Expect to see notification of the results in the upcoming weeks.

E-Bulletin access

Should you wish to include a news item in the E-Bulletin please email Information should be submitted before the 20th of each month.

Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 11 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 12th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 12th Module.

Date: 24th October 2021, Sunday

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 12:

a) Global Guidelines of Managing Hypertension


Dr. S N Narasingan


Vice Chairman : Lipid Association of India [LAI]

National President : Indian Society of Hypertension

SNN Diagnostic Centre & SNN Specialities Clinic


b) What is new in Hypertension


Dr. Jamshed Dalal

MD, DM (Cardiology)
Sr. Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital


Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID: 922 9993 0818

Password: sath

Dear InSH Members ,
Please attend this meeting by Japanese Society of Hypertension . There is no fee for this link .I am sure you will utilize this opportunity

Remote Asian Symposium at the JSH Annual meeting in Okinawa is just around the corner.

It is with great regret that we cannot invite you to Okinawa as the corona situation in Asia has not fully recovered, but we are all looking forward to seeing you online at the meeting.

We have attached the final Asia Joint Session Program, and provided the URL for participation to both Part 1 and Part 2 below. Particularly, Part 2 in the afternoon is very important for the future Asian hypertension consensus, so please make sure to join this session.

[Asia Joint Session Part 1]

October 15 (Fri), 2021, 10:00 to 12:15 Japan Standard Time

Role: Participant

Online ZOOM conference URL:

[Asia Joint Session Part 2]

October 15 (Fri), 2021, 13:15 to 15:15 Japan Standard Time

Role: Commentator

Online ZOOM conference URL:


Please keep in your mind that this session will be free of charge to our colleagues in Asia, and we hope you will pass this information on to your friends.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Congress Secretariat.

We hope to see you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Yusuke Ohya, M.D., Ph.D.

President, the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hypertension

Kazuomi Kario, M.D., Ph.D.

Vice President, the Japanese Society of Hypertension

Akira Nishiyama, M.D., Ph.D.

Chair, the International Committee of the Japanese Society of Hypertension


Congress Secretariat

the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hypertension

c/o Okinawa Congres Inc.

8F, Kumoji 3-1-1 Naha, Okinawa, 900-0015, Japan


Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 10 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 11th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 11th Module.

Date:17th October 2021, Sunday

Time:11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 11:

a) Hypertension in Elderly


Dr. Soumitra Kumar

MD, DM (Cardiology)

Professor & Head

Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences,


b) Hypertensive urgencies and emergencies


Dr. T Govindan Unni

MD, DM (Cardiology)
Professor & Medical Director,

Jubilee Hrudhayalaya, Jubilee Mission Medical College & Research Institute,


Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID:922 9993 0818


Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 9 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 10th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 10th Module.

Date:10th October 2021, Sunday

Time:11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 10:

a) Resistant Hypertension


Dr. S S Iyenger

MD, DM(Cardiology)

Consultant Emeritus and Academic Head Department of Cardiology,

Manipal Hospital


b) COVID 19 & Hypertesnsion : Challenges


Dr. H K Chopra

MD, DM (Cardiology), FACC, FISCU, FASE

Sr. Consultant Cardiologist

Medanta Moolchand Heart Institute Moolchand Medcity,

New Delhi

Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID: 922 9993 0818

Password: sath

Dear Friends ,
I hope you and your family are doing good. In continuation of a mail that has come from WHL which I shared with you I am herewith sending the Fact sheet sent by WHL to various organizations including hypertension organization on Salt . May I request each member of our organization to go through this document thoroughly and give me a feed back on Salt . Your feed back is so important in Indian context . Please go through a short message from WHL which is highlighted in blue .

From WHL :We ask your organization to review the fact sheet and support it. Organizations supporting the fact sheet will be listed in the publication of the fact sheet, likely in the Journal of Human Hypertension, and be able to nominate an author for the publication. We request a response by Nov 15th, 2021 to Dr N Campbell
Waiting for your response

National President ,Indian Society of Hypertension
Board Member , World Hypertension League
International Society of Hypertension Fellow [ ISHF]

To Hypertension, Renal, Stroke and Cardiovascular Organizations

The World Health Organization has determined that reducing dietary sodium (salt- sodium chloride) is one of the most important and cost-effective means to enhance population health. Leading national and international non-governmental health and scientific organizations have a strong role to play in supporting the reduction of dietary sodium at the population level. Resolve to Save Lives and the World Hypertension League have overseen the development of the attached fact sheet and global call to action based on the best available evidence linking dietary sodium to health concerns and on how to reduce dietary sodium. The fact sheet is intended to be used for advocacy to accelerate the spread and scale of dietary sodium reduction programs.

We ask your organization to review the fact sheet and support it. Organizations supporting the fact sheet will be listed in the publication of the fact sheet, likely in the Journal of Human Hypertension, and be able to nominate an author for the publication. We request a response by Nov 15th, 2021 to Dr N Campbell (

Yours Sincerely,

Xin-Hua Zhang MD PhD. President, World Hypertension League
Tom Frieden MD MPH. President and Chief Executive Officer, Resolve to Save Lives
Dan Lackland DrPH. Past President, World Hypertension League
Jennifer Cohn, MD MPH. Senior Vice President for Cardiovascular Health, Resolve to Save Lives
Paul Whelton, MB, MD, MSc. President-elect, World Hypertension League
Marcelo Orias, MD, PhD. Vice President, World Hypertension League
Laura Cobb, DrPH. Director, Nutrition Policy and Surveillance, Resolve to Save Lives
Norm Campbell MD, FRCPC, CM. Special Advisor, World Hypertension League, Senior Consultant, RESOLVE to Save Lives

To Download

Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 8 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 9th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 9th Module.

Date:03rd October 2021, Sunday

Time:11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 9:

a) Evaluation of Secondary Hypertension


Dr. Jayashree Gopal

Diplomate of the American Board in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetes

Director, DiabEndoIndia


b) Management strategies of Secondary Hypertension


Dr. K. Sarat Chandra

MD, DM (Cardiology)

Consultant Cardiologist

Indo US Superspeciality hospital


Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID:922 9993 0818


Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension ) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 7 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 8th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 8th Module.

Date: 26th September 2021, Sunday

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 8:

a) Hypertension with Diabetes


Dr. Anuj Maheshwari


Professor & Head in Medicine, BBD University,


b) Hypertension and dyslipidemia


Dr. Raman Puri

MD, DM (Cardiology)

Sr. Interventional Cardiologist

Chairman - Lipid Association of India


Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID:922 9993 0818


Dear Doctor,

Greetings from SATH (Scientific Approach To Hypertension) & Indian Society of Hypertension.

At the outset, we thank you for your active participation in the last 6 modules of the certificate course in hypertension under the Indian society of hypertension.

We look forward to your valuable presence for the 7th module.

SATH is inviting you for the 7th Module.

Date:19th September 2021, Sunday

Time:11:30 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Module 7:

a) Hypertension in Pregnancy

Pathogenesis of hypertension in pregnancy


Dr. Asha Mahilmaran

Consultant Cardiologist
Apollo hospitals,


b) Hypertension in Pregnancy

Management Issues in Pregnancy Hypertension


Dr. Hema Divakar

Senior Consultant Obsterician and Gynecologist

The Divakar's speciality hospital,


Register in advance for this meeting:

Meeting ID:922 9993 0818


News Letter

Dear WHL Members,

On the 25th August 2021 the WHO launched new guidance for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in adults, for the full guidelines click here.

Dr. Taskeen Khan, of the WHO Dept. of Noncommunicable Diseases, who led the guideline development, said "The new global guideline on the treatment of hypertension, the first in 20 years, provides the most current and relevant evidence based global public health guidance on the initiation of treatment (with pharmacological agents) for hypertension in adults.

WHL President Dr. Xin-Hua Zhangcommented on the guidelines,"The WHO new guideline encourages initiating treatment of diagnosed hypertension before having lab tests and risk assessment. These recommendations will speed up hypertension control and coverage globally". WHL Pres.-Elect Dr. Paul D. Whelton, who contributed to the guidelines, commented, "These guidelines provide structured recommendations for the pharmacological management of hypertension. They are based on a rigorous interpretation of the available evidence and will be especially useful in middle- and low-income countries. I support the guidelines recommendations with high enthusiasm and hope they will facilitate control of hypertension globally. WHL Secretary General Dr. Gianfranco Parati stated, "These guidelines offer guidance on some controversial issues, such as when to start treatment and whether laboratory testing and cardiovascular risk assessment are needed prior to starting treatment. Such guidance is provided from a global perspective, and will have specific relevance to low- and middle-income countries, with the possibility for nonphysician professionals, such as pharmacists and nurses, to be directly involved in hypertension treatment after adequate training, specific management protocols and physician oversight.

The recommendations focus on the level of blood pressure to start medication for hypertension, the target blood pressure level for successful treatment, how often to have follow up checks on blood pressure, and who in the health system can provide treatment.The primary audiences for the guideline are clinicians and health-care providers at all levels of health care. Secondary audiences are national NCD/CVD programme managers, health-care academics, policy-makers setting practice recommendations, students, and hypertension medicine manufacturers. The availability of treatment should be complemented by other measures, such as: promoting healthier diets and regular physical activity; more strictly controlling tobacco products; and identifying and treating comorbidities such as diabetes and pre-existing heart disease.

Dear Friends in Asia (sent by BCC)

I hope that the situation of COVID in your country is improving as much as possible.

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete the survey. I am very pleased to share with you the list of hypertension societies in Asian countries that we have compiled based on your questionnaire.

If any of the information is incorrect, please contact me. It is particularly important, because we will work with you to make a declaration based on the Asian hypertension consensus at the Annual meeting of the JSH on coming October.

In this regard, tentative schedule of remote session in Okinawa is planned as follows.

JSH2021 - ISH2022 - HOPE Asia Network - Joint Session

The Unity of Hypertension Societies in Asian Countries and Regions to Overcome Hypertension and Hypertension-related Diseases in Asia.

Official language: English

Operation format: Online ZOOM Conference

Date: October 15 (Friday), 2021

Part 1: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Japan Standard Time

Part 2: 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., Japan Standard Time

Part 1

"Networking lecture on hypertension in Asia: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Theme: Sharing the current status of hypertension and hypertension-related diseases

Part 2

"Networking conference on hypertension in Asia: 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Theme: Standardization of evidence-based hypertension management in Asia.

The Okinawa Declaration will be held here.

I will inform you details soon, but all Asian friends can attend this session by free. Please share this information to your friends. Some of you may be invited as a speaker and chair.

In addition, all presidents in your hypertension society should be invited as a discussant in Part 2 in connection with the Okinawa Declaration.

Thank you very much for your kind attendance and keep in touch, please.

Sincerely yours,

Akira Nishiyama, MD, PhD, FAHA

Chair, International Committee, Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH)

Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University

Dear WHL Members and Colleagues,
For our upcoming September WHL newsletter issue, we would be so pleased to receive your submissions, either World Hypertension Day events that were not reported in the June issue, or other local/regional hypertension news, to share with our global community. The deadline for submissions is August 15th, and submissions should be approximately 150 words, with a photo or graphic much appreciated.
From the Desk of the National President ,
Indian Society of Hypertension
Dear Friends ,
Greetings from InSH ,
Indian Society of Hypertension [ InSH ] has been involved in many academic activities .I am happy to inform you that InSH is now coming out with a certificate program on hypertension intended for practising Doctors , Physicians & Specialists .The program is titled as SATH [ Scientific Approach To Hypertension ] This program has 24 modules which are going to be covered on every Sunday between 11.30 am and 1.30 pm for the next 12 weeks . The renowned speakers from all over the country and from various specialities were drawn for this academic activity .

Torrent Pharma has come forward to support for this activity on a virtual platform . The final program has come out very well and I am planning to start this activity with 2 modules on Sunday 1st August 2021 which will be preceded by Inauguration . Honourable Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry , Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajanhas accepted to Inaugurate the scientific session . I request all members of Indian Society of Hypertension to grace this occasion .You are welcome to get registered for this SATH program which will be co-ordinated by Mr.Gourav , Assistant General Manager [ Mobile No: 7069000409 / E.mail id :] of Torrent Pharmaceuticals . In case , you would like to visit the inauguration only on virtual platform you will be provided a delegate link . My humble request to all of you is to register for this program and encourage me ,Dr.Narsingh Verma ,Hony Gen.Secretary and Dr.Anuj Maheshwari , Academic co-ordinator and Treasurer of InSH . Without your voluntary support , activities like this may not get due recognition in academic circles . I once again appeal to all of you to go through the attachments and the Invitation for Inauguration . After registering you will get a link to log in .

Let us all work together and project the image of InSH to the global scenario since InSH is the only Organisation which is affiliated to International Society of Hypertension and World Hypertension League .


President ,Indian Society of Hypertension

Click to Download June 2021 News Letter

6th May 2021
Introduction from the ISH Chair of Communications

The Hypertension 2021 Joint Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, European Society of Hypertension, and British and Irish Hypertension Society has drawn to a close giving us an opportunity to reflect.  The numbers are impressive: 127 hours of transmission, almost 1500 presentations and 5380 registrants from 128 countries. Hypertension 2021 therefore represented one of the largest and certainly the most diverse Scientific Meetings that the ISH has hosted. The virtual platform was not without its hiccups, but I believe that the presenters and moderators did a phenomenal job of navigating a virtual landscape that is still new for many of us. With Kyoto 2022 and the 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension now in our sights it will be important to build on this momentum and have a highly successful (hopefully in-person) congress. You can find out more about Kyoto 2022 later in this bulletin.

There were many exciting elements of the Hypertension 2021 program but always notable is the announcement of the ISH Award Winners. As you will see below this year’s class was absolutely top class. Our awardees were also joined by the initial cohort of International Society of Hypertension Fellows. Congratulations to my many colleagues who were recognized for their scientific excellence with this honour. The meeting was also notable for the presentation of the ISH Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines and highly active sessions from our Regional Advisory Groups, the New Investigator Committee, and the Women in Hypertension Research Committee. If you missed any of these excellent presentations, you can still access them in the online portal until July 15th.

Looking forward, the next few months promise to be busy ones for the ISH. May Measurement Month has just launched and will run through November (details below). Related to this, World Hypertension Day will be held on May 17th. Be sure to spread the word about the global burden of hypertension and its complications during this critical time. There are also a variety of new activities from the Research and Education Committee, New Investigator Committee, and the Women in Hypertension Research Committee outlined below and be sure to stay tuned to our twitter feed (@ISHBP) for the latest on all ISH activities.

With the scientific meeting approaching many of you may have missed out on the most recent issue of Hypertension News. I may be (am) biased but I think that it is an issue of the highest quality. The Learning the Ropes Feature on Pulmonary Hypertension features four of the foremost experts worldwide and the New Blood feature highlights the work of some of our newest leaders within the ISH. You can view the latest issue here. Stay tuned for our next issue which will, not surprisingly, feature a comprehensive recap of the 2021 Scientific Meeting.

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not highlight the launch of the new ISH Web Site. Behind the scenes many challenges were faced but it was an absolute pleasure working with the Web Site Task Force and I think that the end product is excellent.  I hope that you will enjoy the modern look, easier navigation and the new “President’s Blog” which will provide you with societal updates directly from ISH President Maciej Tomaszewski.

ISH Communications Committee Chair Dylan Burger

It is with great pleasure that the ISH Awards were announced at the Joint ESH-ISH Meeting

ISH Distinguished Fellow Awards

Women in Hypertension Awards

New Investigator Committee Awards

This year the International Society of Hypertension Fellow (ISHF) is a new category recognising and honouring excellence in clinical practice or research in the field of hypertension. The ISH fellows are listed on the ISH website.

From the desk of Dr.S.N.Narasingan ,National President -Indian Society of Hypertension

Dear Friends / InSH Members ,

Greetings from Indian Society of Hypertension [ InSH ]

As you are aware that World Hypertension Day [ WHD ]falls on 17th May , World Hypertension League [ WHL ] is observing World

Hypertension Month [ WHM] for a period of 30 days starting from 17th April - 17th May . During this period , screening for blood pressure

is done in a systematic way and the data are finally sent to WHL . The theme of World Hypertension day this year is

" MEASURE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE , CONTROL IT & LIVE LONGER " . May I request you to join hands with Indian Society of

Hypertension to take it forward in a big way . I am herewith sending google form which gives you the exact details to be entered

We can concentrate on all patients , their relatives for screening . Children art competition is yet another attraction

for this event . School going children of our doctor friends and patients are requested to take part in this .

Dr.Paul Whelton ,President Elect of WHL had personally sent an e.mail for a combined approach by Indian Society of Hypertension with WHL .

The activities of InSH 2020 were covered in the Newsletter of WHL which is attached . I request all InSH members to visit the links for getting complete information.

I started today with enteries in google forms . Since it is a starting day for WHM , why not you do it from today ?
Combined efforts will make InSH popular in the global scenario . India will be considered to get involved for population based studies .

Quick Contacts


Dr.Narsingh Verma,
Secretary General,
Department of Physiology,
King George Medical University,
Res: 13/231, Indra Nagar,
Lucknow - 226016.
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